Movement for a New Society: Nonviolent Action Training, Strategy

“An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind.” – M.K. Gandhi

ChooseDemocracy.US and WagingNonviolence.org
offer the best resources, information and links
to resist the U.S. ‘administrative coup

latest news, actions & analysis at
ActivistTools.org & StephenZunes.org


Lakey-DancingwithhistoryDancing with History:
A life for peace & justice

Get George Lakey’s 2023 memoir, books, videos, and  “Citizen George,” the 2024 film bio about his six decades of leadership, strategy, training for nonviolent change.

Chuck Collins AltartoanEruptingSunAltar to an Erupting Sun

Chuck Collins’ intriguing and inspiring 2023 novel addresses challenges facing climate change and justice activists. Also see his 5-min. video interview and review. Buy now.

Visit Professor Stephen Zunes’ site for his many articles, interviews, videos and books, including: Western Sahara: War, Nationalism, and Conflict Irresolution; Nonviolent Social Movements; Tinderbox and more. Also see his videos and other alums’ plus best nonviolence resources from the MNS 50th Anniversary.

Download Free: How Agent Provocateurs Harm Our Movements by Steve Chase (2022, 45 pages), from Solidarity 2020 and Beyond and ICNC Press. Or order the paperback or e-book copies. See George Lakey’s review in WagingNonviolence.org.

About MNS

This site presents the many vital impacts of Movement for a New Society: Nonviolent Action Training, Analysis, Vision, Strategy. Indeed, from 1971-1988, MNS was a global training and action network of local and transnational groups. That’s how MNS successfully developed and “spread tools, skills and consciousness for effective nonviolent social change.” Moreover, MNSers trained, inspired and empowered thousands of progressive activists and organizations on all continents. So many have gone on to continue to lead and develop numerous subsequent campaigns and groups. MORE

Authors & Books

MNS members have published thousands of articles, books and videos fostering Movement for a New Society’s “analysis, training, strategy” worldwide. In addition to founders and top strategists George Lakey and Bill Moyer, over a dozen other MNS leaders have also collectively founded and/or dramatically developed scores of organizations, campaigns and projects. These include two activist publishing houses: New Society Publishers and Common Courage Press. MORE

Read “Oppose and Propose: Lessons from MNS.”

Strategy & Tactics

For every thousand hacking at the branches of evil, there’s only one digging at its roots.”
Henry David Thoreau

Veteran organizers from the Civil Rights, anti-war, peace and other movements for nonviolent progressive social change of the 1950s-60s, founded MNS in 1971. Its leaders fostered and further developed the “hands-on” and “in-the-streets” experience, teachings, strategies and tactics pioneered by Gandhi, King and others. Thus they successfully integrated these with theories and findings of experts and academics such as Dr. Gene Sharp.


Be the change you wish to see.” – M.K. Gandhi

MNS established and ran activist training centers through the 1970s and 1980s in Philadelphia and other cities across North America, until formally disbanding in 1988. However, in that year, George Lakey and Barbara Smith co-founded TRAINING FOR CHANGE. Moreover, MNS alums Betsy Raasch-Gilman, Erika Thorne and Nancy Brigham were its chief co-developers. So find links to its website, resources and opportunities for Nonviolent Action Training, Analysis, Vision, Strategy, at ActivistTraining.org

MNS Book Nonviolent Action Training, Strategy: How We Win by George LakeyMNS Book Nonviolent Action Training, Strategy: Resource Manual for a living Revolution MNS Book Nonviolent Action Training, Strategy: Nonviolent Social Movements by Zunes MNS Book Nonviolent Action Training, Strategy: Class Matters by Betsy Leondar-Wright

See George Lakey’s strategy video Polarization & “How We Win” (30-min.),
2024 film bio, “Citizen George”, 2023 Memoir and other books and videos.
Also Bill Moyer’s final training video; and MNSers playing “Rainstorm
a 2-minute “light-and-lively” (ice-breaker game) in 2009.

Movement for a New Society: Training, Vision, Strategy

MNS 50TH VIDEOS+RESOURCES | Rainstorm Video | Oppose & Propose
MNS records archive is at Swarthmore Peace Collection | Privacy
More MNS-inspired tools at ActivistTools.org and ActivistTraining.org

CONTACT: MNS (AT) MovementforaNewSociety.org
© 2020-2025 Movement for a New Society

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