50th Anniversary 2021 Video/Audio Files
To Share: MNS Key Impacts Then & Now

Also see all 50th Reunion Chat-recommended Resources;
And share George Lakey’s critical, timely 30-min. video
Polarization and “How We Win” and the 8-min.
trailer for his bio documentary at GeorgeLakeyFilm.com

Special thanks to the 30 panelists and six Weavers:
Seth (tech-spert, far left), Joan, Fred, Mary, Herb and John.
Also (second left above) Robert Dove (memorials) and
PJ Hoffman, Peter Blood and Annie Patterson (singing).
Also all 130 alums who took part, including (below,
left to right): Sarah, Paul, Rabbi Shana, Eric, Marty,
Sandra, Martha, David, Jamie (NM), Caroline and Scott.

CLICK “V” for Video of 8 sessions below, “A” for Audio,
“S” for slides/notes, or Resource Links

[V, A, S] MNS/Life Center Founding 1971 & Early Years (59-min)
Berit Lakey, George Lakey, Ellen Deacon, Dick Taylor, Phyllis Taylor

[V, A (56m) & cont. at V, A (28-min)] MNS U.S. Expansion: Mary McCaffrey
* NE: Helen Halperin, Jerry Koch-Gonzalez
* MW: Neal Crandall, Nancy & David Finke
* NW: Rose Betz-Zall, Patty Lyman et al.
* West: Fred Cook & Michael Ray

[V, A, S] Oppression/Liberation (in 3 Parts, 2 hrs total):
* Feminism & LGBTQ: Erika Thorne, Firefly (Michael)
* Classism: Joan Nikelsky, Betsy Leondar-Wright
* Jewish Activism, Racism: Michelle Marks, David Shen

[V, A] Training & Group Process, Then & Now (60-min):
Mary Lou Finley (facilitator); Erika Thorne; Patty Lyman; Fred Cook

[V, A, S] Macro-analysis & MNS Publications (58m): NSP, CCP etc.
Pamela Haines (facilitator), John Steitz, Bob Irwin & David Albert’s
History of NSP, To Mend a Broken World, Bajaj Program Bio & Dorika Award

[V, A] ECOLOGY & CLIMATE ACTIVISM (60m): Herb Ettel, Anti-Nuclear [S];
Jonathan Betz-Zall, [S] Environmental Justice; Julie Greenberg, Climate
Action; Shodo Spring, [S] Consciousness, Environmental & Indigenous Activism

[V, A] Nonviolence, Peace & Transnational Part 1 (63m):
Chuck Esser (facilitator), Asia; Ray Torres, Haiti; Linda Nunes-Schrag,
Phila. Namibia Action Group & Willoughbys; Dan Clark, first Secretary,
Peace Brigades Int’l; David Loeb, MNS Transnational Collective

[V, A] Nonviolence, Peace & Transnational Part 2 (58m) Peter Woodrow (facilitator)
Nonviolence & Conflict Resolution; Michael Beer, NVI and Tactics; [S] Peter Bergel,
Civilian Based Defense; [S] Stephen Zunes, Mideast & Africa (with Nanlouise)

* * *
We bid a sad farewell to MNS alumna Alice Maes, with many fond memories and gratitude that she and daughter Sarah attended our 50th Anniversary one week before “changing her address” at 91, 11/22/2021.

See George Lakey’s strategy video Polarization & “How We Win” (30-min.), his 2024 film bio “Citizen George”, 2023 Memoir and other books and videos. Also Bill Moyer’s final training video; and MNSers playing “Rainstorm,” a 2-minute “light-and-lively” (ice-breaker game) in 2009.

Movement for a New Society: Training, Vision, Strategy

MNS 50TH VIDEOS+RESOURCES | Rainstorm Video | Oppose & Propose
MNS records archive is at Swarthmore Peace Collection | Privacy
More MNS-inspired tools at ActivistTools.org and ActivistTraining.org

CONTACT: MNS (AT) MovementforaNewSociety.org
© 2020-2025 Movement for a New Society

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