20:24:30 From Seth Horwitz : Herb's phone :202-280-7102 20:24:31 From leegarner : 202-280-7102 20:24:42 From leegarner : Herb 20:24:48 From Fred Cook SF He/Him : Herb: 202-280-7102 20:25:39 From Seth Horwitz : People can also do text-banking. 20:27:51 From sandra boston : hi to eeryone. i'm just listening for now. 20:58:55 From Adam and Susan Corson-Finnerty, Bucks County, PA : Adam's phone number: 215-694-2311 21:02:35 From Seth Horwitz to Fred Cook SF He/Him(Privately) : Jesse started to speak 21:22:54 From Paul Halvorson - He Him Minneapolis : Paul Halvorson 612-296-7407 paulphalvorson@gmail.com 21:23:43 From HERB : Herb 202.280.7102/m202.769.8379 21:23:54 From Nancy & David Finke : David Finke: 573-673-7783. Nancy Finke: 573-268-6951. Both take voice AND text. 21:25:59 From HERB : I'm Herb William, volunteer alerting you Voting's underway + ALL mail-in ballots must NOW be signed by a witness + mailed or dropped off right away to ensure they count. Or to vote in person, your poll shd be ??. Go to VoterGuide.US, to get a ballot + all info on voting, candidates+issues--VoterGuide.US; Please vote for Dem. Jaime Harrison 4 Senate + all dems on the ballot--to rebuild our nation and democracy!+pls remind EVERYone, every-where, every way you can 2 VOTE+get all they need @ VoterGuide.US.--SEE IT 4 yourself, then pls share VG.US with EVERYone, bkz every vote matters in this vital, tight election!-VG 21:26:18 From Seth Horwitz : By the way, I'll send out a transcript of the chat to everybody, so you don't have to copy everything down. 21:33:02 From HERB : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7dNLt5mC1A&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utW1F-QuYq8 21:36:43 From Mary McCaffrey : Mary McCaffrey-302-999-1211; familywork90@gmail.com