20:16:08 From Mary McCaffrey : You can enter something here to let us know that you have a question or a comment for the presenters (Erika & Betsy). 20:17:13 From MAAPL waft : Sorry my zoom signs in as “MAAPL waft” 20:17:25 From MAAPL waft : Grace Ross actua;; 20:17:34 From David Albert : Hi Grace! 20:18:10 From Erika, she/her, Dakota land, S. Mpls Uprising : GRACE!!! Where are you? Are you MAAPL? 20:18:34 From MAAPL waft : Yup - no idea why zoom has that as my name 20:21:14 From leegarner : SURJ, important name… thanks ! 20:24:25 From Ellen Deacon : Pamela Haines has just written her latest “column” about the way she supports young leaders of the Sunrise Movement. Our jot may be more in support than “showing them how,” as they know things we don’t, and can figure out so much with some solid support and backing. 20:24:35 From Ellen Deacon : She called it “Midwifery.” 20:26:10 From Mary McCaffrey : Ellen, where can people find Pamela's column? 20:37:18 From Ellen Deacon : Try www.pamelalivinginthisworld.blogspot.com or just email her at and get on her list to receive them. 20:48:24 From Erika, she/her, Dakota land, S. Mpls Uprising : Tell it, BETSY!!!! 20:55:47 From Ellen Deacon : I would like to be one who shares - don’t need (maybe don’t even want) to go next. How many will want to speak up? How much time should each take? 20:56:49 From Patty Lyman : I would like to share what is happening in my county 20:57:34 From Scott Beadenkopf : Question from Scott: What institutions are being proposed? to take over from police 21:00:15 From David Albert : Through my international, I am also relatively well-connected in the Seattle Area Indian-American community, which - largely as a result of Black Lives Matter - is now wrestling with issues of caste. (And they are supporting my work around that in India itself.) Isabel Wilkerson's new book on Caste is directed at white American readers, but the Indian community have been avid followers. 21:05:15 From David Albert : He is not only doing his job, but he was likely trained to kill people of color in the military. And then may have had the experience of doing so. If he didn't experience moral trauma in doing so, he will be in high demand among police departments around the country. 21:05:38 From Erika, she/her, Dakota land, S. Mpls Uprising : Mariame Kaba on defunding police: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/12/opinion/sunday/floyd-abolish-defund-police.html 21:05:44 From Ellen Deacon : Isabel Wilkerson’s books are essential reading. 21:05:53 From Erika, she/her, Dakota land, S. Mpls Uprising : YES, on Isabel. 21:05:58 From Erika, she/her, Dakota land, S. Mpls Uprising : Wilderson 21:07:09 From David Albert : So, to me, a high priority (thank you, Betsy) would be to separate "policing" from military training. 21:09:27 From Erika, she/her, Dakota land, S. Mpls Uprising : Yes, David. And to put money into non-gun-carrying 1st responders. Mental health. Social workers. People who are skilled in de-escalation. People who work with gangs. Domestic violence advocates. People who can deliver babies. Money for food banks. Senior citizens connected in communities. These are the basic, nitty-gritty things that need to be put in place in order for armed men (police) not to be called for everything. 21:10:12 From David Albert : And more. They shouldn't be in charge of jails or parole/probation either. 21:10:39 From Erika, she/her, Dakota land, S. Mpls Uprising : YES, exactly!! Then, a level above that, is the national legislation such as The Breathe Act. And, of course we need to smash plantation capitalism, & heteropatriarchy! 21:10:42 From David Albert : Or 911 calls. 21:10:48 From Erika, she/her, Dakota land, S. Mpls Uprising : Yup 21:11:25 From Erika, she/her, Dakota land, S. Mpls Uprising : Can you organize for this where you live? 21:12:06 From David Albert : A civilian-lead Office of Public Safety might have a small sub-office of criminal justice, maybe 10-15% the size of current police. No traffic control or parking meters. 21:13:24 From David Albert : And NO walking the streets. 21:13:52 From amy outlaw kietzman she/her : In my township, Thornbury in Delaware county , PA, we do not have any police. (Cheyney) 21:14:05 From leegarner : Civilian town watch !! 21:14:27 From David Albert : pass 21:14:33 From Fred Cook : Good work Mary! 21:15:03 From Fred Cook : You have mastered the zoom technology! 21:18:10 From Ellen Deacon : https://www.friendsofad.org/ - general website. And the Minute on State Sanctioned Violence can be seen (I hope) at https://www.fgcquaker.org/system/files/cloud_attachments/Fellowship%20Minute%20on%20State%20violence%20%281%29.pdf 21:18:40 From MAAPL waft : I am interested in Erika and Betsy - what do you think have been the most dramatic learnings I the white community - and what do you think happened? 21:19:28 From Scott Beadenkopf : Would there be any value in disarming most police officers? 21:19:58 From David Albert : No. They are the wrong people for the job. 21:20:51 From Mary McCaffrey : Thanks, Fred! I don't feel ready to Zoom solo, but I enjoy playing a supportive role. 21:21:03 From Fred Cook : Thank you Seth! 21:22:40 From HERB ETTEL : DETERENCE is likely the common belief reason for police--i.e. to scare criminals, like death penalty's wrongly believed to deter homicide, and more nukes deter enemies from attacking... 21:23:27 From Nancy & David Finke : Please make sure that the announcement goes out about the two consecutive trainings that George Lakey is doing as part of the e Election protection movement, preparing for/responding to a coup d'etat. 21:23:49 From David Albert : We actually know, conclusively, how to prevent violence crime. Until this year, homicdes were down 50% since 1993. Same true for rape, robberies, and aggravated assaults. We actually did that, but not in the usually way we think about it. https://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2018/02/an-updated-lead-crime-roundup-for-2018/ 21:25:01 From Nancy & David Finke : Do ou think the video of George Floyd's death was a turning point? 21:25:15 From Erika, she/her, Dakota land, S. Mpls Uprising : YES, I do. 21:26:37 From Nancy & David Finke : Is anyone n touch with the young woman who persisted and completed the video. nancy finke 21:27:25 From Erika, she/her, Dakota land, S. Mpls Uprising : Not that I know of, Nancy, that’s a good question. I wonder if googling it might yield some answers. 21:27:32 From leegarner : V.O.T.E., and invite all who have become of age to join us in this awesome opportunity !! Lee Garner 21:27:45 From Erika, she/her, Dakota land, S. Mpls Uprising : At least about what’s happened with her. I personally don’t know anyone in touch with her. 21:30:21 From Fred Cook : The work for community safety can meld in to massive nonviolent actions to resist Election related coup attempt. 21:30:23 From David Albert : And police had absolutely nothing to do with it. (neither did social services, mental health, or gun control.) 21:31:22 From Pastor's Laptop : WWW.CHOOSEDEMOCRACY.US 21:31:23 From Fred Cook : Choosedemocracy.us 21:31:52 From David Albert : Gotta go! (another Zoom!) thanks to all! 21:32:06 From Erika, she/her, Dakota land, S. Mpls Uprising : Grace, please send your wise comments to everyone. They’re only going to me. 21:32:40 From Erika, she/her, Dakota land, S. Mpls Uprising : Did you think I volunteered, Joan? I didn’t, I’m afraid. 21:32:50 From MAAPL waft : The wealth gap now compared to 25 years ago - was DWARFED by the present In 4 years of the worst foreclosures, Black wealth median loss was 53%; Latino median wealth loss 66% and Asian ascribable to foreclosures 34% 21:33:03 From MAAPL waft : Remember the amount of Black owned land is down 79% in the last 50 years in the U.S. 21:33:53 From Fred Cook : Thank you Erika 21:34:12 From MAAPL waft : The amount of wealth lost by people of color since foreclosure crisis started was more than entire period of legal slavery in the U.S. 21:34:25 From Erika, she/her, Dakota land, S. Mpls Uprising : I’m going to take off, everyone. THANK YOU!! 21:35:06 From Fred Cook : Yay Herb! 21:35:08 From MAAPL waft : Thanks for making this happen! Love to you all. Would love to share about the historic wealth stripping and what we are doing about it 21:36:18 From Fred Cook : Zoom strategy game tomorrow with ShutdownDC 21:37:07 From Fred Cook : Timeline to a Meltdown: 2020 Election Simulation Confirmation 21:37:53 From Fred Cook : Thank you for registering for "Timeline to a Meltdown: 2020 Election Simulation". Please submit any questions to: info@ShutDownDC.org Date Time: Sep 16, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Click Here to Join Note: This link should not be shared with others; it is unique to you. Add to Calendar Add to Google Calendar Add to Yahoo Calendar Or iPhone one-tap US: +16699006833,,89467043085# or +13462487799,,89467043085# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923 Meeting ID: 894 6704 3085