20:11:15 From stephen zunes to Everyone : Here's an article I wrote published a few days ago about the training and prep against it: https://www.yesmagazine.org/democracy/2021/01/20/trump-coup-nonviolent-activists/ 20:14:44 From Mary McCaffrey to Everyone : Herb, we can't see or hear you! Try to sign out and sign in again! 20:18:14 From Seth Horwitz to Everyone : https://www.charitywater.org/ 20:20:53 From Seth Horwitz to Everyone : Wrong water charity. David's is https://friendlywater.org/ 20:25:29 From David Albert to Everyone : not charity water! 20:25:46 From David Albert to Everyone : www.friendsugandansafetransport.org 20:25:50 From Seth Horwitz to Everyone : My mistake. Fingers too fast. 20:27:28 From David Albert to Everyone : Good work, Linda! 20:37:37 From Herb Ettel, DC to Everyone : Not important-- I'll email y'all later-- not to worry 20:39:15 From Seth Horwitz to Everyone : Herb, maybe call in on the phone +1 301 715 8592 ; Meeting ID: 654 142 0743 Passcode: 19143 20:40:48 From Herb Ettel, DC to Everyone : BIG thanks to Stephen for promoting NV coup prevention; & Bob for Dem local work (I phonebanked full-time for Jaime Harrison (S.C.--lost but is now the new DNC chair!) then to Ga. to win Senate with Warnock and Ossoff! 20:41:28 From stephen zunes to Everyone : Herb--you have every right to be proud of your home state! Thank you for your contribution! 20:42:46 From stephen zunes to Everyone : Back when we were in Harborsong together, Georgia's senators were Richard Russell and Herman Talmadge. What a change! 20:46:36 From Herb Ettel, DC to Everyone : Stephen, what's your take on Oliver Stone's work re. Russia, Ukraine, & JFK... 20:47:41 From stephen zunes to Everyone : He's really off-base. 20:48:29 From stephen zunes to Everyone : Anti-imperialism should not be used as an excuse to rationalize for oppressive governments. 20:50:59 From Herb Ettel, DC to Everyone : Also, Venezuela? 20:54:20 From stephen zunes to Everyone : Unfortunately, yes. Maduro is really bad news. (Chavez was more mixed.) 20:55:34 From stephen zunes to Everyone : My daughter, who was then an Earlham student, canvassed for Obama in Richmond and surrounding areas. 20:56:10 From stephen zunes to Everyone : Had some interesting stories. 20:59:31 From stephen zunes to Everyone : Here's my take on Ukraine from 2014: https://fpif.org/straight-talk-u-s-ukraine/ 21:01:15 From stephen zunes to Everyone : And here's my Gaza/Aleppo rationalization article: https://inthesetimes.com/article/from-gaza-to-aleppo-a-handy-guide-for-defending-war-crimes 21:03:59 From Herb Ettel, DC to Everyone : Also, inertia! 21:04:53 From Seth Horwitz to Everyone : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_White_Tiger_(film) 21:08:53 From David Albert to Everyone : Kudhai Khidmatgar - look them up! 21:09:00 From Seth Horwitz to Everyone : Next MNS Zoom meeting: Tues., Feb. 23 at 8 PM Eastern / 7 PM Central / 6 PM Mountain / 5 PM Pacific. (Zoom link to come.) This will be a more structured session, focused on our actions and reactions to the threat of right-wing and white nationalist violence. If you have some ideas, would like to present, or would like to help organize this session, please contact Weavers John Steitz (revsteitz@gmail.com) or Fred Cook (fredcookla@gmail.com). 21:10:54 From Seth Horwitz to Everyone : Tuesday, February 23 Wednesday, March 31 Thursday, April 29 Monday, May 24 21:11:22 From David Albert to Everyone : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khudai_Khidmatgar 21:13:33 From David Albert to Everyone : Thank you all for your good work!