19:57:13 From Herb Ettel, DC : Welcome Chuck & BIG thnx Pamela! 19:57:48 From Betsy Raasch-Gilman : I'm curious, Eric, as to the "generation gap" between you and younger activists. In my experience, the difference between 26-year-olds (say) and 20-year-olds is actually greater than the difference between 20-year-olds and 50-year-olds. More conflict, more mutual dismissiveness. Is that true in your experience, too? 20:00:37 From Herb Ettel, DC : 2 New MNS websites will LAUNCH FRIDAY: MovementforaNewSociety.org & ActivistTraining.org! So once you get my MNSWhole email anncmt, please: Visit each and click on as many links as you can, to build traffic stats and search rankings; and fwd the links to all you can, asking them to do the same. ALSO click and promote on all social media you can. 20:01:13 From nancy and David Finke : Here at Oberlin College we hear (from older faculty and staff) that students don't want to hear bout what we did in the '60s. I think the antidote to this is listening, as Pamela said. Keep quiet! 20:01:51 From Eric Braxton : Funders’ Collaborative on Youth Organizing www.fcyo.org 20:02:08 From Shel Horowitz : I was blessed to be mentored by activists from the 1930s-40s and beyond. Now, I’m sometimes mentored by people in their teens-20s. I became an activist at 12 and I’ve met some who got involved even younger than that. 20:05:35 From Betsy Raasch-Gilman : THANK YOU!! Post-modernism has done a number on this generation. 20:06:52 From Jamie Newton : Comment: Elders with long experience in nonviolence, and with deep spiritual development, were vital for inspiration, sustaining hope, and practical mentoring in my early activist years (1960's, 1970's). Persistence despite great loss and disappointment can be gently conveyed, helping less experienced activists bend like willows in the wind and survive. 20:10:24 From Fred Cook : Good work, Herb! 20:12:05 From Shel Horowitz : My biggest challenge working with young activists is the insistence on political purity, the unwillingness to work with people who only agree with them on 80%. Strategies? 20:18:36 From Seth Horwitz : • Sunrise Movement's Over 35+ Supporter Guidelines: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KssschPmgbycRhva9ECOajN7b4moQlQiTO-oMSDkk3s/edit?ms=webpage_volunteer • "Exploring Intergenerational Collaboration Webinar" April 9 Registration page: https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=E334087&id=71 • Elders Action Network: https://eldersaction.org/ • Sage-ing International: https://www.sage-ing.org/ (currently offline, try FB page: https://www.facebook.com/Sageing1/ or YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ0CMxaqM9sWVOnBR_erjtA) • National Council of Elders: https://nationalcouncilofelders.org/ • Freechild Institute for Youth and Social Change: https://freechild.org/ (About "Adultism": https://freechild.org/2015/12/22/adultism/) 20:25:44 From Jamie Newton : Fred, FYI, I just sent this by chat to Nancy and David Finke: Hi, Nancy and David. I heartily agree with your affirmation on listening. Do you know "A Little Book of Listening Skills"? Marion and I have found it valuable. I also note that powerholders consciously attempt to convince challengers that all effort will be futile. Our direct experience with progress made against great odds can be heartening. Dispel the illusion of futility! Personal narratives can nourish hope. - Jamie Newton 20:29:23 From Erika, she/her, unceded Dakota land : I’d say that the LGBTQ, 2nd-wave feminism, anti-nukes, and the anti-Vietnam war movements all sprang from the Civil Rights & Black Power movements. Those are the antecedents for all our movements. What do others think? 20:29:34 From Herb Ettel, DC : Thurs. I join Indigenous YOUTH* & 350.org at White House demaning end to DAPL & Tar Sands Line 3! *Youth RAN 1,000+ miles from ND to DC! 20:29:47 From stephen zunes : https://fresnostate.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jhHCNqUqQHiYX3g-no9PVg 20:30:08 From stephen zunes : zunes@usfca.edu 20:34:25 From Shel Horowitz : It’s an evolution. Howard Zinn’s People’s History makes that clear. Labor in the 30s, early feminism, abolition in early 19th century, 20:38:49 From Betsy Raasch-Gilman : That's quite true, Blair -- the things which ARE allowed, not only those which aren't. 20:41:08 From Shel Horowitz : @Erika, you mentioned the safe energy movement. I’ve written a 5-part blog on the 40th anniversary fo the Seabrook occupation, including the influence of Clamshell on more recent social change organizing. Here’s part 1, and each part links to the next: https://greenandprofitable.com/40-years-ago-today-we-changed-the-world-part-1/ 20:42:26 From Blair ellis-walker (he/him) : CISgender 20:42:47 From Blair ellis-walker (he/him) : CisHet : refers to Cisgender and Heterosexual 20:43:08 From Blair ellis-walker (he/him) : Cisgender: Identifying with the gender one was assigned at birth 20:43:19 From Eric Braxton : This article has a good take from Alicia Garza, one of the founders of BML, on purity politics. “We can’t be afraid to establish a base that is larger than the people we feel comfortable with.” https://www.newyorker.com/books/under-review/a-black-lives-matter-founder-on-building-modern-movements. 20:43:56 From Shel Horowitz : Love that, Eric, thanks. 20:44:16 From Herb Ettel, DC : GREAT job, presenters & JOAN! 20:48:03 From Shel Horowitz : Amen, Herb. I’m taking some notes and happy to share them. 20:48:03 From Erika, she/her, unceded Dakota land : I want to give a shout-out to Betsy, who’s worked tirelessly with younger-people’s movements for decades. Go, BETSY!!! 20:48:39 From nancy and David Finke : To the Weavers: do you need money? I'm thinking that it would be good to have Zoom captions and that might cost more... 20:49:52 From Shel Horowitz : Here are my notes: 20:50:45 From Shel Horowitz : Ooops, they are too big to paste. I can send to Herb and he can share them. 20:54:48 From Eric Braxton : That was beautifully put 20:54:58 From Mary McCaffrey : Thanks for asking if the Weavers need money. I would say that right now, we need one or two more members! Can any of you consider joining The Weavers, to keep this forum alive? We do one prep meeting, about 1 hour or so, and I Zoom Session like this, per month> 20:55:01 From Shel Horowitz : Very illuminating evening. Many thanks. 20:56:08 From Betsy Raasch-Gilman : Well, the Willoughbys. 20:56:11 From Eric Braxton : I’m getting the bed time call. Thanks so much for having me. Glad you all are doing this. Have a great night 20:56:23 From Erika, she/her, unceded Dakota land : Huge thanks, Eric! 20:56:25 From Seth Horwitz : thanks, eric 20:56:28 From Betsy Raasch-Gilman : Thanks so much, Eric! 20:56:30 From Fred Cook : What about George and Lillian Willoughby where were they then? 20:57:09 From Fred Cook : https://www.nonviolent-conflict.org/webinar-civil-resistance-tactics-in-the-21st-century/ 20:59:48 From Seth Horwitz : And the collection of nonviolent tactics that Michael Beer has collected, embellishing Gene Sharpe's list: https://www.tactics.nonviolenceinternational.net/