01:16:45 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: For electoral work, there's a very useful tool: winningamerica.net. Sandra Boston sent this already on email to many. This is the whole website—not graphically refined, but there's a comparison of Dems & Reps on POLICY. Great tool when door-knocking, otherwise getting out the vote in the next 10 days. By Mark Green & Ralph Nader 01:18:23 Mary Lou Finley: Thank you, Erika! 01:20:00 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: 💖 01:25:03 RosieV OhloneLand: Rosie here, My hand is NOT up thank you. Was responding to Ericas words 01:25:13 Peter Woodrow: Great to see all of these faces of old friends! Sorry, gotta go get ready for a trip tomorrow. Bye for now. 01:25:22 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: ‘Bye, Peter 01:25:28 david albert - on the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: For those who haven't seen it, my current initiative around climate crisis. 01:25:45 Stephen Zunes: I've kept the gallery view on the whole time so I could see everybody's faces... 01:26:15 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: Yes, it's sweet isn't it, Stephen? 01:29:52 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: That's right. 01:30:04 Betsy Raasch-Gilman: that is SO right! 01:30:30 Betsy Raasch-Gilman: With a huge amount of courage 01:30:39 david albert - on the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: I think we have a great opportunity AFTER the election. (and I think this election is the least important in my lifetime.) Split houses means no action, just a lot of noise, on all sides. It's a tremendous opportunity. 01:32:32 Gail Leondar-Wright: The Movement for Black Lives platform does have some elements of vision 01:33:20 Gail Leondar-Wright: https://m4bl.org/policy-platforms/ 01:33:38 Gail Leondar-Wright: And police reforms have been implemented in a bunch of places. 01:36:04 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: Yes, it's interesting in terms of the situation in Minneapolis. Black Visions led a coalition of 50 orgs, which said, “We can have a Department of Public Safety, which would subsume the Police Dept. How exactly it works is to hold People's Assemblies to find out what safety means to people in every neighborhood, which we're starting now, but would fully do after we win.” 01:38:15 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: That was for a city election last November, where we got 44% of the vote (over 62,000 people). That was a vision for how we'd fulfill the premise of doing something different from the police dept. Is that enough of a vision? That'd be a good strategic debate that I'd love to have. 01:38:33 Stephen Zunes: Thank you, George! (I need to leave to teach my Nonviolence seminar). 01:38:40 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: 'Bye, Stephen 01:41:03 Jamie Newton: Choices... With accelerating and intersecting crises of many kinds (e.g., oppression and repression in many directions, climate catastrophe, resurging pandemic, growing inequality, mass displacements, intensifying wars with explicit nuclear threats, how do we find direction and focus, individually and collectively? One resource is J. Brent Bill's book, Hope and Witness in Dangerous Times, with its chapter on discerning "What Is Mine to Do." 01:41:18 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: I'm thinking about your useful challenge, Betsy. 01:41:31 Anne Wright & Eric Segal: Anne Wright and Eric Segal signing out - thanks George and have a great evening everyone! 01:42:07 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: ‘Bye Anne & Eric, good to see you 01:46:40 Sandra Boston: so good to remember our courage and vision and to see that we are a still marching! past my bedtime - goodnight! 01:46:51 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: Great to see you, Sandra! 01:52:48 Mary Lou Finley: Have to go! Goodbye, everyone!! Great to see you all! 01:52:56 Betsy Raasch-Gilman: Thanks for that anaylsis of the Poor People’s Campaign. So much promise, and so much disappointment. 01:53:00 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: Yes, Mary Lou--SO good to see you 01:53:31 Mary Lou Finley: Love to talk more about all this --somehow, somewhere! 01:54:49 david albert - on the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: Floods in Jackson and in Kentucky, massive destructive hurricane in Florida and Maine, people dying of the heat in Arizona, no water in California, fires destroying homes in Washington and Oregon. But the folks in each of these places never get to talk to each other! If they did, they'd collectively discover that the ermperor (of government) has no clothes. 01:55:39 Betsy Raasch-Gilman: Well, we in MNS fell into that trap of purity, too. It's pretty common. 01:56:32 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: Yes, I sure did, Betsy. 01:57:44 Keith Barton: Article on identity politics by Ryan Grim in the Intercept circa Aug 2022. 01:58:16 Gail Leondar-Wright: https://theintercept.com/2022/06/13/progressive-organizing-infighting-callout-culture/ 01:58:30 Shodo Spring: I've watched people on othe left, who consider themselves revolutionaries, in which a whole series of good people are attacked for things they may or may not have done. e.g. one sexual wrong becomes a lifetime of trading food for sex on the reservation.... etc. 01:58:43 Keith Barton: https://theintercept.com/2022/06/13/progressive-organizing-infighting-callout-culture/ 01:58:54 Shodo Spring: I'm grateful for balance. 02:00:20 david albert - on the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: For an entirely different way to look at things, not rooted in right v. left, but beyond, I recommend Bruno LaTour's "Down to Earth" 02:01:09 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: Shodo, what do you mean “…one sexual wrong becaomes a lifetime of trading food for sex on reservation…”. ? And thanks for article, Keith 02:02:29 Betsy Raasch-Gilman: Because of money in politics, I think Move to Amend is a revolutionary reform. I don't do much with them, and I do support them. 02:04:22 Shodo Spring: Erika,I shouldn't try to write while listening. This person, who got in legal trouble for underage sex, For months after that people were circulating his picture on facebook as a sexual predator and telling stories that were untrue, specifically that he was doing sex with kids.... 02:04:46 Shodo Spring: Erika, I hope that was clear enough. 02:05:09 John Braxton: It’s good to see so many old friends and comrades! 02:05:26 Shodo Spring: It is indeed. I'm amazed that I personally know almost all of you. 02:05:27 Gail Leondar-Wright: I'm getting tired so I'm going to say goodnight - very inspiring to hear George and all of you. Hope to see some of you on Sunday evening - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/misunderstanding-white-working-class-voters-tickets-428873019747 02:05:29 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: Yes, it is, Shodo. I appreciate you clarifying, and I agree there is way too much tearing down of people for mistakes. 02:05:36 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: Good night, Betsy!!! 02:05:56 Shodo Spring: Thanks Erika for asking. 02:06:20 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: glakey03@gmail.com 02:06:25 John Braxton: Good night! Be well! 02:06:36 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: Good night, John! 02:07:25 david albert - on the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: Gotta run! Thanks all! 02:07:33 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls, USA: Thanks, David! 02:07:36 Shodo Spring: Good night, David. 02:08:47 Caroline Wildflower they/she S'Klallam: I'm organizing a Reevaluation counseling workshop—have to go to a 7 pm meeting about that so good to be here