00:31:52 Owner: Mary McCaffrey: Hi Rosie, Welcome Aboard! This is Mary... 00:31:53 Rosie Califa: Hi I am Rosie and a friend of Fred C 00:32:06 muriel strand, sacramento meeting: Muriel strand, friend of bill moyer & fred cook 00:32:18 Dakota Butterfield: Michael Rozyne is here as my guest — Dakota Butterfield 00:33:27 Gary Lyndaker friend of Dorothy Goertz: DJ Fleming just joined me at least for a while. 00:38:37 David Albert-On the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: SHATTAH (Palestinian) PEPPERS! A Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or other holiday gift! Shattah peppers are at the core of much Palestinian cuisine. After much searching (and some help!) I have found a source for shattah pepper seeds. https://www.superhotchiles.com/product/shattah-pepper-seeds/?v=ad85d2efe23a They are a medium/hot pepper, used in cooking, usually to make a paste. The seeds themselves would make a great gift for your gardening friends, to remember the struggles of the Palestinian people. In addition, I will be "hatching" (I hope) 25 or more plants this spring to sell as a fundraiser (Thurston County, Washington only) for the Rachel Corrie Foundation - https://rachelcorriefoundation.org/ for their tireless work in support of the Palestinian people. Write me (davidalbert1717@gmail.com ) if you'd like to reserve. (I'm not setting a price - it is by donation.) Shukran! (Please share this post.) 00:51:57 Janet Meyer (she/her): Thank you, Stephen. 00:55:46 Joan N.: I invited 2 long-time friends from N.J. - Jean Katz and Maria Weiner 00:58:27 David Albert-On the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: In 1970, the only job I was ever fired from - I taught Hebrew School in North Adams, Massachusetts. I was fired because I refused to teach Zionism as part of my religion. I now think they were correct to fire me. While of course I am aware that modern Zionism is a 19th century nationalist phenomena, the cornerstone of Judaism is the promise of the deity to the Iraqi Abraham for all the land between the River Nile and the Great River, the Euphrates (Genesis 15:18), followed on with the command that, when taking over one of the promised cities, to "kill everything that breathes." (Deuteronomy 20:16). This passage is read in every synagogue in America once a year (this year on August 26th). 00:59:31 David Albert-On the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: Never looked back. 01:01:55 muriel strand, sacramento meeting: there is really irony here in that it’s freedom of speech that in part protects their religious freedom. 01:03:50 Herb in DC: Herb in DC (sorry no mic or cam): Any tally/list of cancelled/cesored events? Please put link etc. in Chat. 01:13:18 Janet Meyer (she/her): Thank you, Steve 01:13:50 Mary Lou Finley: Thank you,Steve. This is so powerful! 01:13:59 Jim Hammerman (he/him): Thank you, Steve. Very moving and powerful stories. 01:14:40 Steve Chase: My Pendle Hill pamphlet on Israel/Palestine: https://www.friendsjournal.org/book/boycott-divestment-sanctions-quaker-zionist-rethinks-palestinian-rights/ 01:15:16 Jonathan Betz-Zall he/him Duwamish lands: The sideways hands are for applause. 01:15:16 Mary Lou Finley: Love what you are saying about speaking out and supporting those who want peace for both Israel and the Palestinians! 01:15:42 Steve Chase: An hour-long interview I gave to the Spirit In Action radio program on the situation in Israel/Palestine and the Montclair controversy about my peace talk there. It was broadcast on close to 40 Pacifica Radio Network and community radio stations last Saturday: https://www.northernspiritradio.org/spirit-action/open-conversation-middle-east-steve-chase?fbclid=IwAR2c4UaJxqbLXPaNHf72okHVjEPN39-1iFd7f7r3Ur0LBCy8OTCu5LDo9TM If you are interested in watching my Zoom presentation to San Francisco Friends Meeting entitled Why Peace With Justice? Reflections on a Quaker Delegation to Israel/Palestine, go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3D7JdIPqjE 01:15:43 Shel Horowitz: Reacted to "Love what you are sa..." with 👍 01:19:08 David and Nancy Finke: “Carla’s iPad” may be our guest, Carla VanDale from Community Peace Builders, Oberlin. Ohio. —Nancy and David Finke 01:19:23 Steve Chase: For more on the Montclair, NJ controversy, see my article in Western Friend entitled "Quaker Peace Talk Shouted Down in New Jersey." jRcQj12iMJBNESQUaT1ribqd0V2X9VvSzP15_yNftHEI 01:21:47 Steve Chase: Oops. Better link: https://westernfriend.org/quaker-peace-talk-shouted-down-in-nj/?fbclid=IwAR2CRPJn5vK-jRcQj12iMJBNESQUaT1ribqd0V2X9VvSzP15_yNftHEI-84 01:23:59 Janet Meyer (she/her): Please mute if you are not speaking 01:24:47 Janet Meyer (she/her): I missed the name of this group, David 01:25:28 Jonathan Betz-Zall he/him Duwamish lands: Thanks, David A. 01:25:28 David Albert-On the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: Satmar Hasidim 01:26:40 Jim Hammerman (he/him): David (and others) you might like to hear my daughter’s Seattle-based Yiddish anti-Fascist pro-labor women’s trio, called “Brivele” which means “little letters”. https://www.brivele.com/ 01:27:29 Herb in DC: The DC March for Ceasefire (hundreds of thousands) included c200 Hasidic Jews from Brooklyn: Rabbis, elders, youth + even children, all in their black suits, hats and pigtails! 01:27:39 David Albert-On the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: Thanks. There are so many! There is a group, originally out of Boston, called Rad Yiddish. 01:27:43 Jonathan Betz-Zall he/him Duwamish lands: @Jim Hammerman (he/him) Yes! Brivele is wonderful. One of their songs gives the view of anti-Zionist Russian Jews in the 1920s 01:29:11 Shel Horowitz: There are a ton of leftie Yiddishists around. My younger kid has been involved with some of that community. 01:29:42 David Albert-On the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: I belong to the Workers Circle, a secular socialist Yiddish organization founded in 1900. They have a long, long history of radical nonviolent action, beginning with the Great Kosher Meat Strike of 1902, which opposed the Chicago meat oligopoly. (successfully, I might add.) All women - 20,000 women leading. 01:32:28 Erika Thorne, stolen Dakota land / Minneapolis: Jewish Voice for Peace holds a “Half-Hour of Power” every weekday at 2:00 Central / 3:00 / Eastern / noon Pacific. Here’s a video of one of them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiH1sn0zv9Y. To start going to the Half-Hours, go to JVP website: https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/ 01:34:30 David Albert-On the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: By the way, the Workers Circles in New York and Boston were just kicked out of the Council of Jewish Organizations for calling for a ceasefire. It is a badge of honor. 01:34:35 Steve Chase: A great group to join: Aoartheid-Free Communities: https://apartheid-free.org/about/ 01:35:27 David Albert-On the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: www.circle.org 01:39:40 Michael Rozyne, guest: Dakota: Thank you DB and MNS, very valuable. Hello Erika Thorne! 01:41:00 Erika Thorne, stolen Dakota land / Minneapolis: HEY, Mike Rozyne!!! How the heck are you??! 01:45:59 Michael Beer, FMW, Arlington, Any pronoun: https://www.nonviolenceinternational.net/b2ss_book https://www.nonviolenceinternational.net/palestine 01:46:38 David Albert-On the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: Reacted to "https://www.nonviole..." with 👍 01:49:05 David Albert-On the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: Thank you, Michael! 01:53:32 Gael Livingston: Abd el-Hadi Fights a Superpower 01:53:53 Michael Beer, FMW, Arlington, Any pronoun: My letter co-authored with Starhawk to the Holocaust Museum. https://www.nonviolenceinternational.net/letter_by_nvi_director_to_the_holocaust_museum_silence_death Never Again for Anyone. 01:54:24 David Albert-On the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: In the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, 13,000 people were killed. Just context. 01:55:08 Herb in DC: Any chance of forcing Biden to residn or drop out of 2024 race? 01:55:09 Fred Cook: https://merchantsofdeath.org/ 01:55:39 Fred Cook: The online War Crimes Tribunal can be found at https://merchantsofdeath.org/ 01:57:00 David Hartsough: Merchantsofdeath.org 01:59:03 David Albert-On the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: As I said before, If you can't do anything else, plant some Shattah seeds, and give the peppers to friends as a conversation starter: Shattah peppers are at the core of much Palestinian cuisine. After much searching (and some help!) I have found a source for shattah pepper seeds. https://www.superhotchiles.com/product/shattah-pepper-seeds/?v=ad85d2efe23a 02:02:31 Michael Beer, FMW, Arlington, Any pronoun: The legal definition is "whole or in part" of a population. 02:03:30 Jonathan Betz-Zall he/him Duwamish lands: A version of "from the river to the sea" was also used by early Zionists... 02:03:53 David Albert-On the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as ... any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. — Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2[7] Article 3 defines the crimes that can be punished under the convention: (a) Genocide; (b) Conspiracy to commit genocide; (c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide; (d) Attempt to commit genocide; (e) Complicity in genocide. — Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 3[7] 02:06:13 Herb in DC: Def. from US Holocaust Museum:* "Genocide is an internationally recognized crime where acts are committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. These acts fall into five categories: Killing members of the group Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group" * https://ushmm.org/genocide-prevention/learn-about-genocide-and-other-mass-atrocities/what-is-genocide 02:09:42 stephen zunes: If you would like to read any of my articles on the US and Israel/Palestine and periodically see some of my other articles, please email me at: zunes@usfca.edu 02:12:39 Dakota Butterfield: I am so very grateful for this conversation. It has been so hard to absorb the horror of the news everyday. Sitting in this community in this sharing — I feel like I can breathe out for the first time, have a thought or two that makes some kind of sense. Thank you, thank you all. 02:13:04 Herb in DC: Biden said that "if there were not an Israel, we'd have to invent one" while speaking to Israeli President Isaac Herzog. Biden had previousl... https://youtube.com/watch?v=2HZs-v0PR44&ab_channel=MiddleEastEye 02:13:17 Erika Thorne, stolen Dakota land / Minneapolis: Reacted to "I am so very gratefu..." with 🌹 02:13:23 Steve Chase: Reacted to "I am so very gratefu..." with ❤️ 02:15:42 Jim Hammerman (he/him): Thank you everyone. I really appreciate the insights and ideas. 02:15:49 Michael Beer, FMW, Arlington, Any pronoun: Doing stuff. Center for Jewish Nonviolence is US Jews going over to directly confront occupation in the West Bank. US Boat to Gaza is sending humanitarian supplies to Gaza. You can volunteer to go on one of the boats. Speaking out against the genocidal violence and potentially putting friendships and social standing at risk. Supporting Jvp and Ifnotnow. AFSC's anti-apartheid campaign with communities and congregrations. Doing interfaith work. Keeping militarism front and center, working with unions who are refusing to load armaments...Supporting the artists who are communicating their concerns. 02:16:29 Fred Cook: Rosie told me that Berkeley and Oakland rent boards had passed Ceasefire resolutions. 02:16:58 Shel Horowitz: This has been very helpful. Thank you, Stephen and Steve and all who commented or Chatted/ 02:17:58 Art Persyko: If anyone wants to use the SF model of the cease fire resolution in your city council (which I think is very reasonable and balanced) please email me: and I will send it to you. 02:18:06 David Albert-On the virtual land of Congolese child slaves: As we say In Yiddish, "a sheynem dank" - "a beautiful thanks!" 02:18:09 Dakota Butterfield: Reacted to "Thank you everyone. ..." with ❤️ 02:18:39 Erika Thorne, stolen Dakota land / Minneapolis: Reacted to "As we say In Yiddish..." with 💖 02:18:40 Dakota Butterfield: Reacted to "As we say In Yiddish..." with ❤️ 02:19:16 Herb in DC: Yes, it should be posted within a week, linked at MovementforaNewSociety.org (please keep this URL) 02:20:11 Art Persyko: Thank you! 02:24:05 Janet Meyer (she/her): Reacted to "I am so very gratefu..." with ❤️ 02:25:54 Janet Meyer (she/her): I had to step out of the last part of the meeting but would like a copy of the transcript 02:27:14 Janet Meyer (she/her): janetmeyer.boulder@gmail.com