00:33:44 Erika, Mpls.: Right! My mom was president of LWV Iowa, when I was a teenager. 00:35:05 Michael Beer, Arlington Va.: LWV activists are like WILPFers...membership increases life span by an average of 10 years! 00:35:37 Erika: Reacted to "LWV activists are li..." with 🤣 00:36:17 Erika: I used to 00:41:06 Fred Cook: https://www.amazon.com.au/Votescam-Stealing-America-Forbidden-Bookshelf-ebook/dp/B013S42V92 You can find it on https://openroadmedia.com/forbidden-bookshelf https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/votescam-james-m-collier/1113967256?ean=9781504019903&st=AFF&2sid=Open%20Road%20Integrated%20Media_7969735_NA&sourceId=AFFOpen%20Road%20Integrated%20Media 00:41:53 Fred Cook: You can also download Black Box Voting by Beverly Harris for free from her website of the same name with a dot org after it. A more up to date follow up bringing it into the current computerized voting era. A good follow up to this book. BlackBoxVoting.org 00:42:34 Fred Cook: There is also a treasure trove of information about distortions to the electoral process that have been exposed and documented by investigative journalist, Greg Palast. https://www.gregpalast.com/ He broke it open with The Best Democracy Money Can Buy https://www.gregpalast.com/the-best-democracy-money-can-buy-dvd/ and followed it up with a video of the same name. https://www.gregpalast.com/the-best-democracy-money-can-buy-dvd/ 00:43:03 Fred Cook: He followed that with an expose of the voter rolls purge in Georgia, bumping huge numbers of people off the voting roles in his video documentary Vigilante: Georgia's Vote Suppression Hitman https://www.gregpalast.com/vigilante-georgias-vote-suppression-hitman-dvd/ 00:44:42 Fred Cook: Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, How to steal an election in 9 easy steps - Greg Palast. https://www.gregpalast.com/ballotbandits/ Palast also has a number of provocative articles on his website detailing more specifics about current vote scams. https://www.gregpalast.com/georgia-announces-new-purge-of-191473-voters/ 00:44:47 Erika: Who is the person speaking right now? “Call-in User” 00:45:12 Fred Cook: Bob Fitrakis co-authored “What Happened in Ohio: A documentary record of theft and fraud in the 2004 election” (New Press, 2006), https://www.amazon.com/What-Happened-Ohio-Documentary-Election/dp/1595580697 00:45:50 Erika: TY 00:45:52 Fred Cook: Finally, I want to remind you of the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal in which personal data from 87 million Americans was used to design and deliver personalized "information bubbles" to manipulate people's emotions and opinions and influence electoral campaigns in 2016. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook%E2%80%93Cambridge_Analytica_data_scandal This continues to be relevant because the "divide and rule" strategies of the elite include fomenting conflict between groups they do not want uniting against them - and feeding them "alternative realities" and mutual mistrust information goes back centuries . . . it has just gotten a lot easier and more sophisticated with digital communication. We need to keep these divisive tactics in mind in coalition-building. 00:46:22 Fred Cook: The larger context is explained in SCIENCE OF COERCION by Christopher Simpson. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/science-of-coercion-christopher-simpson/1121070239?cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww&ean=9781497672703&st=AFF&SID=www.barnesandnoble.com&2sid=Open+Road+Integrated+Media_7969735_NA&sourceId=AFFOpen+Road+Integrated+Media&cjevent=6ecc32c3d61011ee809100390a1cb82b&dpid=tekz25v83 00:47:05 Erika: Justin, I guess, is the mystery caller, right? 00:53:46 Rosie Califa: thank you Anne 00:53:55 Anne Stauffer LWVDC: Reacted to "thank you Anne" with ☀️ 00:54:09 Anne: Reacted to "goddess bless the LW..." with ❤️ 00:54:19 Anne: Reacted to "Right! My mom was pr..." with 💯 00:54:37 Anne: Reacted to "LWV activists are li..." with 🙂 00:58:24 Rosie Califa: proportional? 01:00:43 Fred Cook: Fooled Again: How the Right Stole the 2004 Election and Why They'll Steal the Next One Too Mark Crispin Miller https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35504762-fooled-again 01:01:58 Fred Cook: Loser Take All: Election Fraud and The Subversion of Democracy, 2000 - 2008 Mark Crispin Miller (Editor) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2615259-loser-take-all 01:02:37 Anne Stauffer LWVDC: DC has passed the national popular vote. 01:03:46 Michael Beer, Arlington Virginia, any pronoun: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ffc7P9V7zzrQKOu2_yBDR2VqdwxAnlzxfgkdt3Agn6o/edit#slide=id.g2bd6e9d58aa_0_0 01:04:51 Herb+Bern, DC: Save or click link to 4-p PDF summarizing/evaluating GOTV tactics, sources and more https://movementforanewsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Elex-booknotes.GOTV-How2IncreaseVoterturnout2024.pdf 01:05:44 Fred Cook: How Deep Canvass Conversations Can Transform America https://an.peoplesaction.org/ss/c/BqA3LhzOFl92KwaVoz69N4AA9hcPM_9eEsv9x7YRwxpYyjDiHQn1356DiCLneS83cdjKyOrRwPB6I6zZG3cYvn4AcFnnKow1Ybdq8dlsJv5dsm6DzL2qyObORYFf4W9-MuCTnhu3opadKjDIrbN2H6bnJ6_tTeasIYKMoumLdRLocAZr4PxeWTtPDSDw2s0HqcWW55ob2ccmxgIzBEIM758aVFEma1BMcoLbg9Xf6cI4ML7JNKsvA1rKNJSvPIltJ-hEEMkBuo8jFD4dIKkGuZkjViBu3UpLdjPMrBsdNRqt60uLKBjmE0sza6ytX2P7iJ1nJi1urZ4L9WcVXTdh2ScrLK0NONUgVIeztgeSGipZyNjOiXNI9sVCc9MoxSRw8h40Z6f6Skqpf537VC1SlQ/3zn/kg-l0T1xQpuEwYiAs2tO6Q/h3/1fgFYeh7CzjHSAs8T9cOtjntV5NO4P8CS8I2vZr6Ais 01:06:14 Rosie Califa: very helpful 01:06:34 Anne Stauffer LWVDC: Reacted to "How Deep Canvass Con..." with ❤️ 01:10:44 Erika, she/her, stolen Dakota land, Mpls.: Will we have any discussion on the movement to vote “uncommitted” in primaries, as a way to pressure Biden to stop the Gaza/West Bank bombardment? And, I’m curious what people are thinking about how to vote in November if he hasn’t done so by then. 01:11:56 Fred Cook: Erika, Please raise your had and ask your questions! I want to hear about that too. 01:12:26 Erika: OK 01:13:54 Joan N: Laboratories of Autocracy by David Pepper - how state and local elections determine the power structure of government. We need to create Laboratories of Democracy. 01:14:41 Joan N: Check out his email newsletter Pepperspectives 01:20:29 Fred Cook: Votes.org BlueVoterGuide.org Mobilize.us 01:25:12 Michael Beer: Deep canvassing was pioneered by Rural Southern Voice for Peace in N. Carolina...led by Quakers. 01:25:43 Michael Beer: Electronic scan voting is more precise and much cheaper than human beings only. Paper can be audited as necessary. 01:28:38 Michael Beer: Uncommitted is not an option in many states including Virginia, Different strategies in different states. In virginia protest votes are going to Marianne Williamson who has resumed her campaign and called for a ceasefire. 01:28:58 Anne Stauffer LWVDC: And the Biden Campaign and DNC response to the "uncommitted" vote was really condescending! 01:29:46 Rosie Berryessa: I can no longer vote for “the lesser of 2 evils”. 01:30:28 Herb+Bern, DC: 4-p PDF summarizing/evaluating GOTV tactics, sources and more https://movementforanewsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Elex-booknotes.GOTV-How2IncreaseVoterturnout2024.pdf 01:32:20 Michael Beer: My whole life is about making decisions based on poor or midling choices. Any mature adult chooses the lesser of two evils almost everyday. do I buy a Nissan or a Ford? Do I buy colgate or crest? 01:38:05 Michael Beer: We need LWV to launch a nationwide campaign to push people not to be one-issue voters. Frankly one-issue voters are just being lazy...and adolescent. Life is complicated. Do your homework and vote on a range of issues and character. 01:39:59 Michael Beer: I knock on about 400 doors per election cycle. I would say that there are people that are really isolated on their screens and actually are desperate to talk with a human being. 01:41:11 Anne Stauffer LWVDC: Robert Kagan maps out how Trump and his enablers could create a dictatorship: https://wapo.st/3TlxYkF 01:43:23 Anne Stauffer LWVDC: For a more hopeful perspective: https://www.hopiumchronicles.com/ 01:43:47 Fred Cook: Moving from One-off actions to protracted Campaigns help https://thechangeagency.org/movement-action-plan/ 01:46:22 Rosie Berryessa: I worked on McGovern's campaign b4 i could vote 01:48:28 Michael Beer: We are such a corrupt society we don't actually need to have surreptitious vote rigging. It is mostly out in the open. Money buys politicians. (including dark money.) The idea that votes are being switched behind the scenes is fantastical. They do it openly and legally. 01:49:12 Erika: I’m signing off now, friends. Thank you to Herb & Michael, Fred & Joan for organizing these. Very helpful to hear from people on my question. Take care & work hard! Love, Erika 01:50:42 Michael Beer: Conspiracy thinking is a prevalent on the left and right. It is very disempowering to think along these lines. Stop promoting this kind of thinking. 01:51:20 Rosie Berryessa: Reacted to "Conspiracy thinking ..." with 👍🏽 01:51:38 Anne Stauffer LWVDC: I have to sign off now. It was a privilege to be with you. Thanks for all your work! 01:51:50 Rosie Berryessa: Reacted to "I have to sign off n..." with ❤️ 01:53:11 Fred Cook: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerrymandering 01:54:18 Michael Beer: Wilson North Carolina might be the best place to go. 01:55:25 Helena Halperin: Helena Halperin, hshalperin@gmail.com