“We are not the champions of lost causes. We are the
champions of causes not yet won.”–Norman Thomas
Videos & Best Resources Recommended by 130
Alumni at MNS/Life Center 50th Anniversary
Click for MNS 50th Video & AudIO FILES
See George Lakey’s books, 2023 Tour schedule, Polarization and “How We Win”
(30-min. video), plus the 8-min. trailer for his bio-doc at GeorgeLakeyFilm.com
- MNS Authors+Books
- MNS Films+Videos and at
- ActivistTraining.org, most notably Bill Moyer’s final video
- See MNSers perform “Rainstorm,” a “light-and-lively”
2-min. ice-breaker game at their 2009 Reunion (at bottom).
Click for 50th Reunion Video & Audio MP4s
- Swarthmore College Peace Collection
- OpenLibrary.org
- The Commons Library
- Wayback Machine
- ActivistTraining.org
- ActivistTools.org
- Rise Up Singing & Rise Again, songbooks each with lyrics and chords to 1200 songs,
created by Peter Blood and Annie Patterson - Enjoy PJ Hoffman’s 4 albums
- The late Charlie Murphy’s albums and lyrics
- Jesse Palidofsky‘s CDs: Our Better Angels, Dancing Toward the Light
& his moving collaboration, America the Beautiful: 2020
“Jesse’s ‘I Am An Immigrant’ is truly a great song!” – Si Kahn - SoundCloud.com/the-peoples-echo
& 350.org Seattle: New Activist Songs - Email us to suggest other MNS artists
Find the indigenous nation whose territory you live in and credit it
in email, zoom and other signatures, e.g., “I respectfully acknowledge
that I live and work on the traditional territory of the Ohlone people.
- ActivistTraining.org, a sister site, highlights the best of MNS
and others’ training materials, institutions and opportunities - Bill Moyer’s Movement Action Plan and other resources
- James Lawson Institute
- Sociocracyforall.org
- Mike Yarrow Peace Fellowship (paid training)
- BraverAngels.org
- BeautifulTrouble.org promotes creative action tools and projects like
Billionaires for Bush, Society of Oligarch Billionaires (S.O.B), and
Reverend Billy [NPR featured the flamboyant NY performance artist
and “Stop Shopping Choir” 11/21.] Email getintouch at beautifultrouble.org
John Woolman observed a close association of class with Inheritance.
Organizations & Sites
- Class Slides by Betsy Leondar-Wright
- ActivistClassCultures.org
- Inequality.org a project of Institute for Policy Studies
- FacingHistory.org
- United for a Fair Economy, founded by MNSers Felice Yeskel & Chuck Collins
- SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice) is an organization for white “accomplices” with chapters across the US
- Creative Wildfire is a collaborative call to collective action from front-line communities, represented by Climate Justice Alliance, Movement Generation, and New Economy Coalition.
- Asset Mapping: Problem Solving vs. Appreciative Inquiry
Films, Videos, Podcasts…
- Felice Yeskel “A Life Well Loved”
- The Revolutionary Love Project
- Resmaa Menakem, anti-racist author, healer and coach: mixes humor with trending topics
- The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty Through Profits by C. K. Prahalad
- Black Joy video and columns
- GA National Guard dances the Macarena in Atlanta
BOOKS: Boycott Amazon!* Buy from Powell’s, Portland; TatteredCover.com, Denver; Politics-Prose.com, DC, or local stores; or access free at OpenLibrary.org, The Commons Library, Wayback Machine, or your local library. *
- Reading Classes by Barbara Jensen
- The Color of Wealth by Betsy Leondar-Wright, Rose Brewer, Rebecca Adamson Meizhu Lui, Barbara Robles
- Class Matters by Betsy Leondar-Wright
- The Wealth Hoarders and other titles by Chuck Collins, including
- Economic Apartheid in America with Felice Yeskel
- These Walls Between Us, by Wendy Sanford (Review by Lynne Weiss)
- Caste by Elizabeth Wilkerson
- The Missing Class: Portraits of the Near Poor in America by Katherine Newman and Victor Tan Chen
- The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism by Edward E Baptist
- The Self-Made Myth by Michael Lapham & Brian Miller
- The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together by Heather McGhee
- My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies by Resmaa Menakem
- Guidelines for People of the Global Majority Attending RC Workshops, Barbara Love
- In the Shadow of the Hanging Tree, by Kathy Baxter
- Toward Freedom: The Case against Race Reductionism by Toure F Reed, (radio & TV interviews) who disputes race as decisive in American history and asserts prioritizing race is a disservice to people of color.
PLEASE GET IT FREE, find more online, delete your account & see
10 Reasons Not to Shop Amazon & 10 Ways Amazon Violates Human Rights.
- New Society Publishers
- From David H. Albert (books): A History of NSP; To Mend a Broken World; his Bajaj Program Bio; and Accepting an award for Dorika
- Common Courage Press’s website as archived by the Wayback Machine
- Why Nonviolence
- Robert A. Irwin‘s Building a Peace System (digital searchable)
- START (Study, Think, Act, Respond Together). Macro-analysis revision and update in 2007 by Pamela Haines and Randy Schutt
- Macro-Analysis Seminar Manual has been released under Creative Commons
- Envision or Perish by Pamela Haines and George Lakey, 2021
- Out of Bounds Adventures in Transformation. Sandra Boston’s 2015 memoir
- Viking Economics, Facilitating Group Learning and How We Win by George Lakey
- Strategy and Soul by Daniel Hunter
- Pamela Haines Blog
- Public Banking Revolutionary Reform
- FILM: Pakachoag: Where the river Bends
- Action research (and a second link) is a philosophy and methodology of research generally applied in the social sciences. It seeks transformative change through the simultaneous process of taking action and doing research, which are linked together by critical reflection. Kurt Lewin
- How to Dismantle an Empire (A 2020 Vision: The Economics of Community)
This upbeat book offers a macro-analysis and fresh look at old problems with the belief that communities have an inherent ability to solve their own problems and meet their own needs. Tereza Corragio examines history, the role of finance in the “petropocalypse”, and offers a vision how to re-monetize the commons with community-based script…
“Reject and Protect is the slogan of the Cowboy Indian Alliance.” – Julie Greenberg
“Humans are the biggest invasive species on the planet and assume superior authority.” – Fred Cook
NEW: Click to see Videos, pics, links for the
Seabrook Anti-Nuclear Occupation
May Day 1977, 45th Anniversary
(and links for related docs below)
- Moyer’s MAP & MNS Impacts on Anti-Nuke
& Safe Energy movement (slides by Herb Ettel) - 5-part series on the 1977 Seabrook occupation
by Shel Horowitz (Each part links to the next) - Bill Moyer’s De-Developing the US Through Nonviolence,
Solutionary Rail: A People-Powered Campaign to Electrify America’s RRs (Book & Website, with Bill McKibben), & Energy for a New Society: Visions of a People’s Energy Future (with Gordon Faison).
Other MNS Recommended Environmental Resources
- Environmental Justice slides by Jonathan Betz-Zall
- Mountains and Waters Alliance
- “Creation Care” movement: Evangelical Christians
- POWER (https://powerinterfaith.org)
- Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT)
- Eileen Flanagan
- NationOfChange.org
- Regeneration has a good overview of solution possibilities
- The Solutions Project
- Rocky Mountain Institute (Anne Wright’s on RMI staff) Plans for powering the USA and the planet with just wind, solar and hydroelectric power.
- NarcoNews oral history interviews with Clamshell activists, including Stephen Zunes, just one chapter of a multi-part series. Other chapters focused on training, nonviolence, and other aspects of the struggle.
- Protect the Hacker Press
- Webinar: A Care Income for People and Planet (COP26 fringe event on Food, Farming, and Land)
- The Enemy Within Jay Gould
- Soft Energy Paths by Amory Lovins
- Sacred Instructions: Indigenous wisdom for living spirit-based change by Sherri Mitchel
- Film and Book: Bright Green Lies [Trailer] by Derrick Jensen
- People of Global Majority in the Outdoors, Nature and Environment
- Rise Up Singing Climate Songs
- Transnational anti-nuke organizing from Eric Bachman, Technical Coordinator TBUSA
- Marc Breslow, won Clean Water Massachusetts’ Lifetime Achievement Award
FILM: PLANET OF THE HUMANS is emblematic of the controversy and conflicts over renewable energy.
What Michael Moore’s new film gets wrong about renewable energy
Nonviolence, Peace & Transnational Part 1
- Peace Brigades International
- Nonviolent Peaceforce
- Continental Walk for Disarmament
- DC Peace Team (Eric Bachman)
- Friendly Water for the World (David Albert co-founded)
- Friends Ugandan Safe Transport Project (David Albert co-founded)
- Mike Yarrow Peace Fellowship (paid training)
- The Business Solution to Poverty by Paul Polak & Mal Warwick
- Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World by Shel Horowitz
- Haiti Resources compiled by Ray Torres
- “Sojourner Truth,” on Pacifica Radio regularly covers Haiti
- Haiti Emergency Relief Fund for donations to grassroots people Haiti
- Mapping the Assets of Your Community
Nonviolence, Peace & Transnational Part 2
Ilhan Omar introduced a House resolution in 2019 affirming the right to free speech including boycotts; it seems to have died, while the bipartisan attacks have flourished.
- Civilian Based Defense slides by Peter Bergel
- Mideast & Africa Slides by Stephen Zunes
- CDACollaborative.org
- DemocracyNow.org
- Working Families Party
- Humanitarian Disarmament
- Solidarity 2020 and Beyond (Stephen Chase now on staff)
- The Pandemic Is a Portal – Arundhati Roi
- Poor Peoples Campaign
- TheChangeAgency.org Great resources on NV campaigns (Australia)
- This is an Uprising: How Nonviolent Revolt Is Shaping the 21st Century. By Paul & Mark Engler
By Stephen Zunes:
- My monograph on resistance to coups d’état
- A shorter article on successful nonviolent resistance against stolen elections in the Philippines, Serbia, Ukraine, and Gambia
- An article from Yes! about Western Sahara, training, and global nonviolent revolution
- An announcement about my book on Western Sahara
- My study on the Sudanese nonviolent revolution
- My Yes! article on how nonviolent resistance training to a possible Trump coup had a deterrence effect
From David Hart, Nonviolence International:
- http://nonviolence.rutgers.edu/s/digital
- https://nonviolenceinternational.net/solidarity_partner
- https://nonviolenceinternational.net/nv_book
- https://tactics.nonviolenceinternational.net
- https://nonviolenceinternational.net/collective_wisdom_shared_resources
- https://nonviolenceinternational.net/cjnv_partner
- https://nonviolenceinternational.net/solidarity_partner
- Our YouTube channel has interviews of prominent NV leaders
From Michael Beer, Nonviolence International:
- Nonviolence International and Rutgers global training archive contains many MNS materials. We welcome additional materials. We’d like help making it a useful archive not just a big collection. Any ideas and help are welcome.
- A Resource List I use with Malaysian activists.
- Kenya, Peru & Puerto Rico NV campaigns
- Rivera Sun’s Nonviolence News
- Humanitarian Disarmament.org
- History Is a Weapon articles by the late Bill Moyer on his MAP Model
and one about George Lakey’s 5 Stage Strategic Framework. - NVI Co-resistance Webinar
- FairVote.org re. instant runoff and other election reforms
- NationalPopularVote.com
- ChooseDemocracy.us …
- Civil Resistance Against Coups
- Stephen Zunes’ article: Nonviolent activists laid the groundwork
to oppose a coup. They may have saved the Republic - BraverAngels.org
- FindingSteadyGround.com
- TransitionUs.org
- The social engagement system and the polyvagal nervous system
- Appreciative Inquiry
- Practical Meditation for Busy Souls by Margo Adair and William Aal,
an activists’ approach to spiritual/psychic self-care
“Speak, Truth. To Power,” I want folks to be or become aware that it was the title of a “Working Party Paper’ convened and published by American Friends Service Committee in the mid-1950s. (I have an original copy. It’s been kept in print by AFSC, I believe.). Bayard Rustin was a participant in the group, but his name was left out of the credits, even though arguably he had given the title to the endeavor. Milton Mayer, on the working party, is the other one credited with it, claiming it was an “old Quaker phrase.” in recent years, Bayard’s name has been restored, I think I’ve heard that AFSC’s Board has given some apology about that, and has been helping rehabilitate Bayard’s reputation and bring to the fore his central part of mid-2oth century Civil Rights action, including being the organizer of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. (King’s “I have a dream” speech, but also John Lewis’s rousing challenge… which I later put into print.)
“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”–Muhammad Ali
Also see George Lakey’s timely video Polarization & “How We Win” (30-min.),
2023 Author Tour, books, videos; and trailer for his new bio doc.
Also Bill Moyer’s final training video; and MNSers play “Rainstorm,”
a 2-minute “light-and-lively” (ice-breaker game) in 2009.
Find more at ActivistTraining.org,
ActivistTools.org & MNS 50th Reunion.
See George Lakey’s strategy video Polarization & “How We Win” (30-min.),
2024 film bio, “Citizen George”, 2023 Memoir and other books and videos.
Also Bill Moyer’s final training video; and MNSers playing “Rainstorm,”
a 2-minute “light-and-lively” (ice-breaker game) in 2009.
Movement for a New Society: Training, Vision, Strategy
MNS 50TH VIDEOS+RESOURCES | Rainstorm Video | Oppose & Propose
MNS records archive is at Swarthmore Peace Collection | Privacy
More MNS-inspired tools at ActivistTools.org and ActivistTraining.org
CONTACT: MNS (AT) MovementforaNewSociety.org
© 2020-2025 Movement for a New Society